

Enjoy Ciao Restaurant’s “Romantic Set Menu” at Hua Hin Marriott Resort and Spa

Hua Hin Marriott Resort and Spa
Ciao, the authentic Italian restaurant at Hua Hin Marriott Resort and Spa invites you to experience a special moment with the new mouth watering “Romantic Set Menu” every Thursday night amidst the most romantic and breathtaking scenery of the Gulf of Siam. This is one of a kind dining experience you cannot miss! Every Thursday night, our 7 and 4 course “Romantic Dinner” serves you a wide range of scrumptious dishes prepared by our young and talented Executive Chef, Kai Olivier Kauder. The 7 course menu includes Seared Scallop on green asparagus and sun dried tomatoes, Lobster and Barramundi Carpaccio with rucola pesto and citrus vinaigrette, White Tomato Soup with Tiger Prawn, Grape Sorbet, Venison Tenderloin with hazelnut spinach gnocchi and creamy forest mushrooms followed by Goat Cheese Mousse with caramelized black olives and Italian Espresso with Biscotti at 2,000 ++ baht for each. Alternatively, you can choose the 4 course set and indulge in the delectable taste of Lobster and Barramndi Carpaccio, White tomato Soup, Venison Tenderloin and Goat Cheese Mousse at the price of Baht 1,835++ per person.
For more information and reservations Tel: (66) 32 511 881 or visit the website at www.marriottdining.com Tannisha Pramualratana (MS) Public Relations Manager Hua Hin Marriott Resort & Spa 107/1 Phetkasem Road, Hua Hin, Prachuabkhirikhan 77110, Thailand Tel: (66) 32 511 881 Fax: (66) 32 512 422 Email: tannisha_pr@minornet.com Website: http://Marriott.com/HHQMC Download: www.marriott2you.com/download

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Enjoy Ciao Restaurant’s “Romantic Set Menu” at Hua Hin Marriott Resort and Spa
tags : หัวหิน แมริออท รีสอร์ท Hua Hin Marriott Resort



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